Global Media Intelligence 2020: Italy

Key Features

Time spent with mobile continues to exceed time spent watching live TV in Italy, while smartphones become ubiquitous.

  • Some 97.3% of internet users in Italy ages 16 to 64 owned a smartphone in H1 2020. Interestingly, smartphone ownership surpassed broadcast TV viewing, which stood at 96.4% of internet users, according to GlobalWebIndex polling. This is the first time that any device or media behavior has posted greater reach than broadcast TV in the country.
  • Mobile time already exceeded time spent with TV and continued to do so in H1 2020. Internet users spent a daily average of 2 hours, 22 minutes (2:22) with broadcast TV, a year-over-year (YoY) increase. But average daily mobile time had also jumped to 2:50.
  • The significant gaps between smartphone, tablet, and PC ownership persisted this year. Tablet ownership climbed from 53.9% to 54.4%, but the share owning a desktop or laptop slipped from 76.1% to 75.7%. PCs and tablets still accounted for a larger slice of daily media time, however, at 3:22 on average.


Karin von Abrams


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