Global Media Intelligence 2020: Romania

Key Features

Internet users in Romania spent 4 hours daily on PCs and tablets in H1 2020—but that figure fell from last year, as mobile time has increased.

  • Some 96.3% of internet users in Romania ages 16 to 64 owned a smartphone in H1 2020, according to GlobalWebIndex. Penetration was greatest among respondents in affluent homes and lowest among those ages 55 to 64—but these variations were minor.
  • Ownership of desktop and laptop PCs was also high, at 86.8%. Tablets had suffered some attrition, however; 41.1% of internet users owned one in H1 2020, compared with 45.2% in H1 2019. Tablet ownership fell most dramatically among the youngest respondents (ages 16 to 24).
  • PCs and tablets captured the largest single slice of internet users’ media time, at an average 4 hours (4:00) daily in H1 2020, compared with 4:20 in H1 2019. Mobile devices accounted for 3:36—15 minutes more than last year.
  • Social networking contributes hugely to time spent on both small- and large-screen devices. Some 89.1% of respondents in Romania had visited social platforms in the month prior to polling in 2020, spending 2:21 per day, on average.


Karin von Abrams


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