On-Demand, Tech-Talk Webinar: Five Plays for Click-Worthy Email Marketing | Sponsored Content

Presented by Marketo

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Personalize everything. Don’t use the word “free.” Shorter subject lines work better. In a world full of email marketing do’s and don’ts, competitive email inboxes and shrinking attention spans, what is an email marketer to do?

How do we not only get into the inbox, but also into the hearts and minds of our prospects? And what are the real challenges holding emails back from their full potential? From subject lines to segmentation to deliverability, we’ve aggregated the top five plays to send your email performance through the roof.

eMarketer was pleased to moderate a Tech-Talk Webinar presentation featuring Mike Madden, head of commercial demand generation for Adobe Experience Cloud.

View the webinar to learn:

  • How to turn your website into a revenue machine using triggered emails
  • Which email marketing “best practices” might actually be killing your numbers
  • Why writing subject lines with your gut instinct doesn’t always work, and how to develop a winning formula


Mike Madden is head of commercial demand generation for Adobe Experience Cloud. When not consumed by the fabulous world of email marketing, he focuses his efforts on consuming M&Ms, playing early morning rounds of golf, hiking, playing with electrical work at the house and listening to Michael Bolton’s greatest hits collection start to finish.

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"Behind the Numbers" Podcast