Shopping Holidays in Asia-Pacific StatPack

Statistics for Singles’ Day, Black Friday and More

About This Report
This eMarketer StatPack lays out statistics around the major shopping holidays in Asia-Pacific that drive shopping in similar ways as Western holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. In China, Japan and Indonesia, Singles’ Day drives ecommerce activity in November. Indonesia also has a holiday in Q4 known as Harbolnas. India celebrates the gift-giving holiday of Diwali in the fall. South Korea’s Q4 holiday shopping centers around the recently launched “Korea Sale Festa,” while Australia has a November “Click Frenzy” sales day that fuels ecommerce holiday shopping.

Executive Summary

This eMarketer StatPack lays out statistics around the major shopping holidays in Asia-Pacific that drive shopping in similar ways as Western holidays such as Thanksgiving, Christmas and New Year’s Day. In China, Japan and Indonesia, Singles’ Day drives ecommerce activity in November. Indonesia also has a holiday in Q4 known as Harbolnas. India celebrates the gift-giving holiday of Diwali in the fall. South Korea’s Q4 holiday shopping centers around the recently launched “Korea Sale Festa,” while Australia has a November “Click Frenzy” sales day that fuels ecommerce holiday shopping.

Singles’ Day: Statistics and Revenues of Asia’s Largest Shopping Day

Singles’ Day takes place on Nov. 11 (as in 11/11, a date that reflects being just one person) and was started as a day to celebrate being single in Asia-Pacific. It’s now one of the world’s largest shopping days, with buyers from over 220 countries. Alibaba turned the day into a shopping event by offering discounts and encouraging people to treat themselves. Alibaba sold $25.4 billion worth of goods on 11/11/2017, up from $14.3 billion in 2015.

Who shops in Indonesia on Hari Belanja Online Nasional?

Hari Belanja Online Nasional, sometimes shortened to Harbolnas, refers to the National Online Shopping Day that takes place Dec. 12 (12/12) in Indonesia. It started in 2012 on a handful of sites and has since grown to include hundreds of digital retailers.

When is South Korea’s Korea Sale Festa?

Korea Sale Festa, derived from the West’s Black Friday, runs from the end of September through the entire month of October. The first was held in 2015, and it coincides with the Chuseok holiday.

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    Dustin Sodano


    Man-Chung Cheung
    Research Analyst
    Jeane Han
    Senior Researcher

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